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Quick! The Call for sessions is opened for a few more days

You need to be an ISSR member, or renew your membership to submit a proposal, otherwise you will not be able to access the submission page. Visit the ISSR membership page for more information.

The next ISSR conference, “Religions in dialogue: Transformations, Diversity, and Materiality” will be held in Taipei (Taiwan), 4-7 July 2023!

We want to thank all those who have already submitted session proposals. For those who were on holidays and only returned to work, the call will remain opened until the 18 September to give all members some extra time. Note however that both the General Secretary and the webmaster are taking their summer leave during this period; in case of difficulties please bear with us, we will assist you upon their return.

Please submit your session proposal on the website, where you will also find all the information you need about the conference.

The New Researchers Forum is back; explore the beta version!

More than 20 years ago, Jim Beckford who was president of the ISSR at the time asked Véronique Altglas to start a forum devoted to New Researchers working in sociology of religion in order to promote the work of postgraduate students and academics at the beginning of their career. It was initially set up as a Yahoo group. Obviously, this is not fit for purpose anymore.

In order to revive the network dedicated to research students and early career researchers, the ISSR will relaunch specific sessions at the 2023 conference, both in Taiwan and online, so that those who do not have funding to support their travel can participate.

In addition, we have created an online platform of discussions and presentations in various formats in order to facilitate exchanges of ISSR members and young sociologists of religion in particular. We would like to encourage all of you to explore the forum, make use of it, and let us know what works well, what is missing and could be added or improved by emailing us at .

Explore the beta version.


Société Internationale de Sociologie des Religions

International Society for the Sociology of Religion