Officers + Committees
- The ISSR is governed by a General Assembly of members, which meets at biennial conferences.
- More frequent governance is provided by an elected Council, which meets yearly.
- Decisions between these meetings are taken by an Executive Committee, consisting of the organization's main officers.
- Day-to-day operation of the Society is handled by the General Secretary, assisted by the Treasurer.

Irene BecciUniversity of LausanneSwitzerlandPresident

Marian BurchardtUniversity of LeipzigGermanyVice President

Rafael CazarinUniversitat Autónoma de BarcelonaSpain General Secretary
(2025, first mandate)
(2025, first mandate)

Sabrina PastorelliCNRSFranceTreasurer
(2025, second mandate)
(2025, second mandate)
- France: Víctor Albert Blanco (2023, first mandate)
- Australasia: Adam Possamai (2023, first mandate)
- Italy: Stefania Palmisano (2023, first mandate)
- USA: Conrad Hackett (2023, first mandate)
- Canada: David Koussens (2023, first mandate)
- Nordic Countries: Lene Kühle (2023, first mandate)
- UK: Marat Shterin: (2023, first mandate)
- Benelux: Kees de Groot (2023, second mandate)
- Iberic Peninsula: Mar Griera (first mandate ending 2025)
- Mexico: Olga Odgers (first mandate ending 2025)
- East Asia and Japan: Norihito Takahashi (2023, second mandate)
- Central Europe: Gergely Rosta (2023, second mandate)
- Switzerland: Manéli Farahmand (2023, second mandate)
- Brazil and South America: Rosa Maria de Aquino (2023, second mandate)
- Inger Furseth (past president)