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Next ISSR Conference: Welcome to Barcelona!

Dear all, we are delighted to welcome you to Barcelona for the ISSR conference, on “The Politics of Religion and Spirituality”, 9-12 July, 2019.

You will find practical information on the conference location, transports, accommodation etc. from the Local Committee here.

Call for papers

The call for sessions is now closed. You can access the list of sessions here.

We now open the call for papers, which will run until 16 December 2018.

You may propose a paper by using this link. Before doing that, have a look at the list of sessions, names of convener(s), and abstracts for each of the sessions, and decide to which one you would like to submit your paper.

The proposal (title and abstract up to 250 words) should be only in one language – English or French – in which you would like to present your paper.


You need to be an ISSR member, or renew your membership to submit a proposal, otherwise you will not be able to access the submission page (see Note on Membership, below).

Please note our team has many commitments in addition to our work in the SISR-ISSR. The influx of members contacting us in the final week of the Call for Sessions to request help accessing their account and/or renewing their membership subscriptions has put serious pressure on our team to manage our commitments. We therefore request that you ensure that you can access your website account and that you have an active membership subscription now. This will ensure that you can submit your paper proposal smoothly and without risk of rejection due to late submission. (see FAQ for difficulties)

Note on Membership

Your ISSR membership last for 2 years. No matter which date you have paid your membership, it starts on the 1st January of the year following an ISSR conference and ends on 31 December of the year of the next conference.  For example, those who paid their membership at the conference in Lausanne, have been ISSR members from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2017.

Book Award

The call for nomination is now closed. If you have sent a book to be nominated, you should have received an email from Gen. Sec. Véronique Altglas. If not, please write her as soon as possible.

Call for the ISSR Best Article Award

The ISSR invites nominations for an award for the best article in the sociology of religion. Journal articles published in 2017 or in 2018 in French or English may be nominated by the author(s) or ISSR members by sending a nomination letter and the article in electronic format to the Chair of the ISSR Best Article Award Committee, Yannick Fer. The winner or winners will receive their awards at the 2019 ISSR Conference and will be exempt from paying the conference registration fee.

The deadline for nominations is 31 January 2019.

Deadline for evaluation: 31 May 2019.

Call for the ISSR Student Paper Award

The ISSR invites nominations for an award for the best first published paper by a graduate student or candidate who has received their doctorate in the last five years. Papers published in 2017 or in 2018 in French or English may be nominated by the author(s) or ISSR members by sending a nomination letter and the article in electronic format to the Chair of the ISSR Student Paper Award Committee, Peter Beyer. The winner or winners will receive their awards at the 2019 ISSR Conference. They will be reimbursed their registration fees and up to EUR 1,000 in travel costs incurred for attending the Conference.

The deadline for nominations is 31 January 2019.

Deadline for evaluation: 31 May 2019.

Introducing the SISR-ISSR Support FAQ

The Call For Sessions raised some recurring issues that our members were having with their accounts, subscriptions and logging in post-GDPR. In response, we have created a Support FAQ to inform members on why these issues may be occurring and how to resolve them. We'll continue to update the Support FAQ with any more issues that are affecting multiple members.

Check out the Support FAQ now.

We are hoping to meet you in Barcelona for another excellent ISSR conference. In the meantime, we wish you all the best for the new year.

Jörg, Inger, Véronique and Olivier
ISSR Executive



Société Internationale de Sociologie des Religions

International Society for the Sociology of Religion