Conference 2019: Call for Papers
When submitting a paper please use the online form. Before doing that, have a look at the list of sessions, names of convener(s), and abstracts for each of the session, and decide to which session you would like to submit your paper.
The proposal (title and abstract up to 250 words) should be only in one language – English or French – in which you would like to present your paper.
Please note that you can submit only one paper proposal to Thematic session / Session thématique, Working Group session / Session d’un groupe de travail, New Researchers' Forum / Forum Jeunes Chercheurs sessions.
Organizers of Author meets Critics sessions are asked to submit the names and affiliations of a maximum of three critics and the name of the convener of this session.
If your proposal fall in the remit of the scientific study of religion, your paper will be accepted.
The deadline for submitting paper proposals is 16 December 2018.
The Call for Papers is now closed