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ISSR Elections 2021

The elections for ISSR Officers and Council members is now open. We invite all of you to vote to elect new members of the Council for which, when possible, two candidates for each role have been nominated.

Please find a short presentation of each candidate:

Dr Mar Griera is currently the director of the research group ISOR (Research centre for the study of religion) and an Associate Professor in the Sociology Department at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She also holds an ICREA Academia Fellowship. 

Her main research expertise lies at the intersection of religion, spirituality, identity and heritage regimes in contemporary Europe. Mar’s primary academic background is in sociology but she has intensively engaged with other disciplinary fields during her career, especially religious studies, political science and anthropology. She has coordinated several competitive projects in these fields and has extensively published in leading academic journals and books. 

During her academic career, she has built up a strong network of international collaborators with whom have organised workshops, co-authored articles, co-edited special issues and submitted collaborative projects. She has also been visiting research fellow at the Université de Lausanne (2016), Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs at Boston University (2009), at the Universiteit Van Amsterdam (2008), the University of Exeter (2006) and the University of Strasbourg (2004). 

She is currently the vice-president of the RC22 committee on Sociology of Religion of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and member of the European Board of the IESR (Institut Européen en Sciences des Religions – Paris). She is also a member of the editorial or scientific board of several prestigious journals in sociology of religion (Social Compass, Journal of Religion in Europe, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions). 

Webpage: http://isor.cat/en/membres/mar-griera-4/

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twitter: @grieramar 



José Pereira Coutinho has a licentiate’s degree in agronomic engineering (ISA-UTL), a master’s degree in business management (ISCTE-IUL), and a PhD in sociology (ISCTE-IUL). He taught sciences and maths at an international school (IB) in 2006-2008. In this period, he also designed and coordinated sociological/anthropological projects on forest fires, based on public funding (DGRF, AFN). In 2009, his book Forest Fires: Causes and Attitudes (in Portuguese), financed by AFN, was published. In 2008-2012, he was a doctoral fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology, the Portuguese public agency that supports science, technology, and innovation in all scientific domains. He defended his thesis «Modernity, religiosity and university» (in Portuguese) in 2012. In 2012-2016, a few articles were published in national and international journals with peer review, for instance: 2016, “Religiosity in Europe: an index, factors, and clusters of religiosity”, Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas.

Since 2018 he is full member of the Research Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, of the Catholic University of Portugal (CITER-UCP). His research focuses on Catholicism, religiosity, spirituality, socialisation, conversion, religious organisations, and youth. In 2018-2019, ten articles were published in international journals with peer review, for instance: 2019, “Religiosity in Portugal: characterisation, comparison, and evolution” (in Portuguese), Religião e Sociedade; 2019, “Religiosity of Portuguese youth: recent evolution and comparison with population aged 30 or older” (in Portuguese), Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais. 

From his projects and publications, two stand out. He participated in the CITER-UCP project ‘Religious identities and social dynamics in Lisbon Metropolitan Area’, from which a book with the same name (in Portuguese) was published in 2019. His book Religion in Portugal: Sociological Analysis (in Portuguese) was published with peer review in 2020 by ICS, the best Portuguese academic publisher in social sciences.

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Société Internationale de Sociologie des Religions

International Society for the Sociology of Religion