Véronique Altglas obtained her PhD (2004) and her Habilitation à diriger des Recherches (2015) from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at Warwick University and a Research Fellowship at the University of Cambridge’s department of sociology, she was appointed as a lecturer in sociology at Queen’s University Belfast in 2009, where she is currently Program Director for Sociology. She regularly review research grant applications for the British Art and Humanities Research Council, the British Academy, and the British Economic and Social Research Council, as Member of the Peer Review College since 2010 and the Panels for the Future Research Leaders Grant call since 2013.
Véronique Altglas remains a member abroad of the Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (CNRS-Paris). She was General Secretary (2008-2010) and Chair (2010-2012) of the Research Network ‘Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism’ within the European Sociological Association. She has contributed to the Association Française de Sciences Sociales des Religions (Paris) since 1995 and the British Sociological Association Religion Study Group since 2000. She is a member of the Advisory Board for the Ashgate Inform Series on Minority Religions and Spiritual Movements and a member of the Editorial board of the Journal of Religion in Europe.
Véronique Altglas’ publications include: Le nouvel hindouisme occidental (CNRS, 2005); From Yoga to Kabbalah: Religious Exoticism and the Logics of Bricolage (Oxford University Press, 2014). She is the editor of a four-volume reader, Religion and Globalization: Critical Concepts in Social Studies (Routledge, 2010). She has published several articles in Culture & Religion, Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions, European Societies, Nova Religio, Current Sociology, Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, Religion of South Asia, and Ethnologie Française. A collective book is forthcoming: Bringing the Social Back into the Sociology of Religion. This volume aims to develop a critical sociology of religion, by engaging with contemporary ideas, debates and theories central to mainstream sociology and cognate disciplines such as Anthropology, Politics and History. Her current writing includes articles from a study of a messianic congregation in Northern Ireland.
Her research areas are globalisation of religion, transformations of religiosity in modern societies, and cross-national comparisons of the responses to religious diversity. She has conducted research on the transnational expansion of neo-Hindu movements and the management of minority religions in France and Britain. She pursued a research interest in the popularisation of kabbalah in France, Britain, Brazil and Israel. Her empirical research, currently focused on messianic congregations, is inscribed in broader reflections regarding contemporary practices of bricolage, the making of identities, religious individualism and epistemological issues within the sociology of religion.
Véronique Altglas is a member of the ISSR since 1999. On request of its president, she created the ISSR Internet network of young researchers and animated the young researchers sessions during its conferences (2001-2004). She was the French representative on the ISSR Council (2005-2013) and the Social Compass editor for the ISSR conference papers (2013-2015).