Dear members of the ISSR,
Conference Program (draft)
The pre-program of the conference is now available. Please check that your name, details, sessions and paper etc. are correct. Send any correction or amendment to the program chair, Ruth Flanagan at , not later than 20 March 2023.
The final version will be posted on the website after this date.
Note that as much as possible, we do not intend to make any change of date and time for any session or paper: we will only correct names, emails or affiliations. Indeed, it is impossible to change the time slot of one session without affecting the conference programme as a whole and hence generating several days of additional work.
View the Conference pre-program
Information on hotels and accommodation in Taipei will be soon posted on the ISSR website. Visit the ISSR conference page.
ISSR online workshops
Information and call for papers are available now on the ISSR website.
- A comparative approach to conspiritualities. Social imaginaries, mistrust and mobilizations (information and call)
- New Uses, Old Places: The Transformations of Religious Buildings in Contemporary Europe (information and call).
- L’utilisation (dé)sacralisée de la transe dans nos sociétés contemporaines occidentales / The (de)sacralized use of trance in our contemporary Western societies (general information)
- From Soviet past to Facebook present: Actual issues of religiosity in Central and Eastern Europe. A joint ISSR-ISORECEA online working group (general information)
Register to the conference in March 2023, update your membership
The conference registration will open mid-March on the ISSR website, with unchanged fees (140 euros for full fees and 70 euros for reduced fees; see website for conditions).
Note that paper presenters must register before registration closes, otherwise their right to present their paper will be withdrawn. In order to remain in the final programme, you will have to pay the conference fee (which is reduced by half this year) by 15 May 2023.
Please note that you will be able to register only as a member if you have first paid your membership fees. If you have not paid your membership fees yet, please do so now on our website.
Note that if you register as a non-member, you can participate in the conference, but you cannot present a paper.
Travel grants
A call for travel grants will be sent shortly. If you have any questions, please write to the treasurer, Sabrina Pastorelli:
New researchers’ forum
The new online forum for new researchers is open! In anticipation of the Taipei Congress (4-7 July), you can inform the research community about your recent work, upcoming events or start a discussion on research questions that interest you. This will help to strengthen the ties of sociologist of religion worldwide.